Part 11
The air recon comes in, and we get a picture of the front before us. The Russian defences are deepening. I don not think they can stop our advance, but they can slow it.
As before, the 16th Army sweeps eastwards, moving north to engage the enemy. The dug in forces stop most of our attacks, but they are able to sweep several areas clear.
18th Army engages the enemy in several large scale pitched battles. While our losses are high, the Russian losses are much higher, and they give ground.
4th Panzer group pushes towards the coast, with the 290th Infantry Division pushes the enemy from the coast. All they have to do now is cross the river and take the ports there to isolate Leningrad.
The rest of the units widen this gap, but are unable to mount any lighting strikes into the enemy lines. We get one Division across the river to the south, but I may need to reinforce them to exploit this.
The Finns move up to further take their line.
9th Army takes up the northern flank of AGC. They drive off the enemy where they find them and isolate an enemy division.
On the southern flank, 4th Army crosses the Desna, links up with the Hungarians and continues to drive towards Kursk. They also help to create a small but secure pocket around Bryansk. Its only three Divisions, but it should hold.
2nd Army, the mid blue seen here, create a couple more light pockets. If the big one can;t hold, maybe I can get one or two smaller ones to.
2nd Panzer Group is the worst off for supplies some of their units don't even have the supplies to mount attacks from their current position. I think that I have reached the point the Germans did when they were forced to wait around Solominsk for a time 0- at least I am at the gates of Moscow!
The 3rd Panzer Group repeats the same story no fuel for any real advances, and the enemy are thick as fleas.
At least my rapid advance has prevented the creation of any large scale fortifications as yet. This is the red number.
The central region is where we have massively outpaced our railhead as you can see, we are nearly 200 kilometres from the first usable rail line. It will take a couple of weeks to do this, so for the next few weeks, the Infantry will have to bear the brunt of the work.
The 6th Army moves forwards into the empty void of southern Russia.
In the south, that Red Division continues to hold out.
The rest of the Romanian forces have some trouble moving the Russian forces around Odessa. They will have to concentrate to remove this area or I shall be forced to send in some good German troops. The Italian forces do a little better, but only after using all three of their divisions.
11th Army moves south east, towards the entrance to the Crimea. They cross the southern most parts of the Dnepr and are ready to make their next moves.
17th Army forms line and advances ofn Kharkov, they will start spreading out next week if there is no real defences around the city.
This leaves 1st Panzer group to continue their advances. They surround Dnepropetrovsk with three Divisions inside, but engage in no combat.
The North sees no real moment, but the Russians harden up their lines.
The Centre sees us finally bagging those units, we should be able to liquidate these pockets in the next week. - only thirty kilometres to Moscow!
The south sees the breakout of the defenders of Dnepropetrovsk, who abandon the city in favour of not being annihilated.
Over the last week we have taken our heaviest casualties yet, and the Russians have taken their lightest. We also only managed to destroy one single unit in the last week.
The Russian force size increase by 40,000 men, nothing we cannot handle, their air forces does continue to grow however.
We put more men back into the field, as more casualties mean more wounded to process.
Here is the factory report.
The supply situation is looking the same, we're getting more resources as we capture russian territory, while the actual amount in the units is holding steady.
There is not historical map this week, but here are the normal maps.
Click here for the full 1753x2774 image
Click here for the full 1831x1375 image
Stalin's cock has been severed, and we've made some massive gains in the south. Leningrad is now the main concern, as the Russians are well dug in. I'm going to have to fight some hard battles to advance on the ports I need to take to cut the city off.
I should take Moscow, but again, this is going to be a long hard battle at least the infantry are close enough to take up the slack left by the fuel starved Panzers.
In the south, my goal is Stalino and the Crimea. I may push further east, but I need to start thinking about my winter line.